MultiversX Wiki - Aerovek
  Presentation of Aerovek

Aerovek Aviation is a social-economic platform designed and optimized to be a one-stop shop for everything aviation-related in a decentralized, communitygoverned, peer 2 peer environment. Aerovek is the first of its kind. We coined the term Social Economic Platform (SEP) for the way our platform is different from any other. We found ourselves in a unique position, at the intersection of passion for aviation and technology, to leverage blockchain technology with the purpose of enhancing equity for all the participants, incentivizing outcomes, and creating the context for the Aviation community to thrive together. Aerovek is so much more than a product or an app. Our focus is to create the largest and most passionate web3 community for both crypto and aviation. Think of Aerovek as decentralized aviation integrated vertically. One place where you can do anything aviation-related, eciently, affordably, securely, and all on-chain.

  • Buy, sell, and trade aircraft & aircraft parts
  • Find local flights, pilots, passengers, and flight schools
  • Learn about aviation, crypto, DEFI, and WEB3
  • Create and vote on governance proposals
  • Staking

On top of all things decentralized aviation, we also provide tools and resources for crypto enthusiasts in our ecosystem to better tackle the current challenges in today’s web3 world.

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