Hello and welcome to Arda's description page 😀
We are Jacob and Lucas (J&L), two FR crypto-enthusiasts. We are developing Arda (https://arda.run), a series of straightforward apps to make the DeFi experience on Elrond super simple and fast.
1. Board: a dashboard to track all the investments of a wallet on Elrond (single and LP tokens, yield farming positions, etc.)
2. Swap: a decentralised swap that allows you to exchange simple and LP tokens in one click, which would take up to 4 times longer without our product. It is with this product (previously called LP-Swap) that we won the 1st prize at the Battle of Yields in Elrond.
3. Compound: it is classic in DeFi to harvest the profits of yield farming (on Maiar, MEX rewards) and reinvest them to increase future profits exponentially. This action, known as compounding, can take several clicks and about 6 minutes of waiting time each day. With our product, it is done in one click and takes only 30 seconds.
4. Charts: charts to follow the price of ESDT tokens on Elrond. You will find the first MEX chart in $ of the ecosystem 🥳
Note: our products complement Maiar, as all our contracts trade on Maiar. The more transactions there are with us, the more there are on Maiar. So we are neither a DEX nor a competitor to Maiar.
We have lots of other products in mind, so don't hesitate to come and discuss them on telegram (https://t.me/arda_project) and suggest your ideas! Feedback drives our priorities. If you want to come and test the limits of our products, try to break them into a thousand pieces, then give us your feedback so we can put them back together again quickly, that would be even more incredible! Indeed a good tester can bring us the value of 1000 users in a hurry.
The genesis of the project
Lucas and I have been working together for two years on exciting projects, and have deep expertise in CS & math. Even if we have been interested in blockchain for a long time, we only started investing last year (we won't say who "bought the top" of March 2021 😭), and in particular doing yield farming on Binance Smart Chain (bsc), i.e. investing in LP tokens.
In our opinion LP tokens are a revolution that can make a lot of money for individuals who would provide liquidity instead of investing in saving books. But the process of authenticating on the bsc, choosing the LP token, creating it and placing it in the right place (farm, yield aggregator) is too complex and time consuming, so only geeks can fully benefit from it today.
We started to develop tools to facilitate our investments in LP tokens. Little by little these tools became indispensable to us and we decided to make them available on the bsc, from which LP-Swap was born. The objective of LP-Swap is to be able to swap single or LP tokens, to deposit or withdraw them from any farm or yield aggregator, all in one click and in the same place! The bsc version of LP-Swap (https://lp-swap.io/) that we developed first allows to do exactly that.
By experimenting with our product on the bsc and by interacting with its users, we judged that the bsc ecosystem would never be mainstream and easy to use. On the contrary, Elrond seems to us to be the blockchain best oriented towards simplifying authentication and investment processes, especially with Maiar Wallet and Maiar Dex. The day Battle of Yields started, we jumped at the chance and decided to develop exclusively on Elrond.
Since then, we have been working 24/7 because Elrond is such an innovative ecosystem that gives us so many ideas. And we are having a lot of fun!
Thanks to the incredible features of Elrond and its apps, we will be able to go much further in our vision, and contribute to the mass adoption of Elrond by facilitating all investments of its users.