MultiversX Wiki - E-Compass Cards
  Presentation of E-Compass Cards

This adventure takes place on all the Earth's continents (and even beyond...), through a deck of 800 NFT cards. Your ultimate quest will be to collect the 4 cards that constitute a country in totality. If you're lucky, you'll get a Special card from the start that gives you more advantages, but that won't stop you from conquering countries...

As a holder, you will be eligible to get different rewards from e-Compass, but you will also be able to participate in contests where winners will win a dedicated Prize pool !

The main goals of this collection are to create a community around e-Compass (allowing it to evolve more serenely, and to discuss with a circle of very involved users) and to reward this community by giving it an early access to new features on e-Compass, and a part of all its incomes...

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