MultiversX Wiki - Remarkable Tools
  Presentation of Remarkable Tools

Remarkable Tools is a project made for the MultiversX community with the main goal of offering easy to use tools for anybody.

The second part of the project consists in a GitHub organization for programmers with the goal of onboarding C# developers into the MultiversX ecosystem.

The website contains a set of great tools developed for all MultiversX blockchain users, free to use.

  • NFT/SFT snapshot - Get collections owners
  • NFT traits snapshot - Get collection owners by traits
  • Token snapshot - Get token owners
  • Tx Filter - Get transactions based on filters
  • more to come…

Remarkable Tools GitHub organization is the perfect place for C# developers to start their journey into the MultiversX ecosystem.

Main repositories:

  • Mx.NET.SDK - Complex .NET SDK for interacting with MultiversX blockchain. Query the blockchain or send transactions.
  • Mx.NET.SDK.WalletProviders - Unique .NET SDK for interacting with Wallet Providers. Create connection and sign transactions.
  • Mx.Blazor.DApp - .NET Blazor template for developing web applications with C#. Mx.NET.SDK and Login methods integrated.

Visit us and get involved! 🛠️ 

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A project built on the MultiversX blockchain does not mean that it is officially recognized by MultiversX. Everyone is free to build their project on the blockchain, be careful when you invest.