MultiversX Wiki - Symbiosis
  Presentation of Symbiosis
This project has been placed in archive mode:
Cause either it was shut down or he changed its name.

What is Symbiosis ?
Symbiosis intends to become the first metaverse concessionaire through the creation and deployment of unique hand-designed vehicles.
Thanks to the Symbiosis Cloud Platform we will provide a wide range of 3d formats to the owners.

How Symbiosis vehicles are created ?
Each vehicle in the Symbiosis collection is handcrafted by our team. The models are thought, designed and developed in our studio. Racers will have access to formats that fit their gamification and the metaverse.

What is the future of Symbiosis project ?
Our project is currently focused on the creation of the Symbiosis Elementals collection series. We will also spend our time developing the V2 website and the Symbiosis Cloud Platform.


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